Feb 16, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Financial Aid


This section is designed to provide information and application procedures for student financial assistance awarded through the financial aid services office.

The purpose of financial aid at State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (SCF) is to provide assistance to students who have demonstrated financial need or who possess academic or special talent. Awards may come from grants, scholarships, loans or part-time employment. 

Financial Aid Application Procedure 

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

SCF considers the FAFSA to be the College application for need-based assistance.

The information on the Student Aid Report (SAR) is used to determine eligibility to receive funds from federal programs, and from many state and institutional aid programs. Students should check requirements for each aid program for which they wish to be considered. Application procedures vary with the type of aid. The FAFSA should be submitted online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Applicants receive an acknowledgement from the U.S. Department of Education when the FAFSA is successfully submitted.

SCF’s Title IV Code is: 001504. 

Financial Aid Eligibility Criteria 

If a student qualifies for a Federal Pell Grant, an award will be offered if the student meets these requirements:

  • The student has been accepted for admission to the College as a regular A.A., A.A.S., A.S. B.A.S. or B.S. degree-seeking student.
  • The student submitted all required forms and documents to verify his or her application.
  • The student meets the U.S. citizenship or residency requirements.
  • The student is not in default on a student loan or does not owe a refund on a scholarship or grant.
  • The student is making satisfactory academic progress. 

Note: A foreign student who is attending SCF on a student visa is not eligible for federal financial aid programs. Please see the FAFSA for more information.

Note: If a student qualifies for financial aid, an award letter noting all forms of aid will be sent by the financial aid services office.

The following priority deadlines for each term are provided for student financial planning. If all required paperwork is not submitted by the term deadline, students will need to pay for classes and be reimbursed if eligible when their financial aid has been finalized. 

Fall 2012 Term - July 2, 2012
Spring 2013 Term - Nov. 16, 2012
Summer 2013 Term - April 26, 2013

Students can check their financial aid status by going to scf.edu/SCFconnect.

Disbursement of Aid 

A financial aid award (other than work study) may be used for registration fees for the specified term(s). At the close of registration, any balance in the account will be credited to the student unless otherwise specified by a private scholarship donor. Refunds of any credit balance will be forwarded to the student based upon the student’s OneCard chosen option after the financial aid census date. Please see the academic calendar for more detailed information.

The first loan disbursement for a first-year student who has not previously had a Stafford Loan will be 30 days after classes begin. A student may be eligible for a deferment of fees and/or short-term loan for books if the financial aid file is complete.

Students who are employed in one of the SCF college work programs will be paid bi-weekly for hours worked. 

Financial Aid Terminology

  Awards generally based upon financial need and usually do not require repayment.
  Awards generally based upon a skill or achievement and usually do not require repayment.
  May be need or non-need based. Repayment is required, if a student’s enrollment drops below half-time or after termination of enrollment.

Types of Financial Aid

Federal Pell Grant

This is the primary federal government program. Qualified students may be awarded up to $5,550 per year at SCF.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

FSEOG is a need-based federal program. The priority deadline is May 1, 2012, for consideration for awarding of these funds.

Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG)

This program is sponsored by the state of Florida and is designed to provide assistance to qualified students who demonstrate financial need. To apply, a student must file the FAFSA form. To be eligible for an award, a student must be a resident of Florida for one year and must be a half-time (six credit hours) student. The priority deadline is May 1, 2012, for consideration when awarding these funds.

State Financial Aid Programs

The state of Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance administers several scholarships, work and loan programs. Information on these programs, application procedures, criteria and deadlines is available in the annual publication, “Financial Aid Sources for Florida Students.” This publication is available in the SCF financial aid office.


Many local organizations, businesses and individuals offer scholarships to students. Organizations may choose their own recipients and have their own application process. Others are administered by the SCF financial aid services office or the SCF Foundation. Scholarship information for the 2012-13 academic year is available online.

Agency Assistance

State and federal agencies offer educational support for those who qualify. Such agencies include Vocational Rehabilitation; Blind Services; Workforce Investment Act; Children and Family; and Health and Rehabilitative Services. Students who may qualify should contact the proper agency directly.

Reasons for Scholarship or Grant Repayments 

The following actions will require repayment of any grants or scholarships that have been received, including money that has been used for tuition/fees, books and supplies and living expenses.

  1. The student registers and does not attend one or all of the classes he or she has registered for and does not drop the classes during add/drop. Due to reduced eligibility, the student will be required to repay any grants and/or scholarships that were received.
  2. The student registers for a class and changes his or her status from credit to audit. Due to reduced eligibility, the student will be required to repay any grants and/or scholarships that were received.
  3. The student registers for classes and drops all of them during add/drop but does not return books and/or supplies that were purchased through the use of a scholarship or grant. Due to reduced eligibility, the student will be required to repay any grants and/or scholarships that were received.
  4. The student receives a grant or scholarship that requires full-time attendance but is carrying less than 12 load hours because a class was canceled or the student never attends a class or changes status from credit to audit. Due to reduced eligibility, the student will be required to repay any grants and/or scholarships that were received.
  5. The student completely withdraws prior to completing 60 percent of a term and received federal student aid.

On-Campus Employment Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program 

Federal Work-Study is a federally funded program that enables students to work on campus. FWS students must have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Eligibility is determined by the student’s demonstrated financial need as determined by the FAFSA.

This is an institutional work program that enables students to work part time, up to 20 hours per week, in administrative and departmental offices, libraries and laboratories. Interested students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 throughout employment, be enrolled in a minimum six (6) credit hours and be a degree-seeking student at SCF in order to work as a student assistant. Students also should be aware that the amount of Federal Student Loan dollars one is eligible to receive is directly affected by the amount of FWS funds already awarded and vice versa. For additional information on how FWS could affect your student loan eligibility, please contact either the financial aid office or the career resource center. Applications for all on-campus student assistant positions are available in the career resource center. 

Students interested in employment off campus may contact the career resource center or the career resource center Web page, scf.edu/CareerResourceCenter.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Education Loans

Financial aid awarded in the form of loans must be repaid. For this reason, loans are considered to be a “self-help” form of assistance.

Federal Direct Stafford Loans (FDSL)

The Federal Direct Stafford Loan is available to eligible students who are accepted for admission as a regular student and enrolled at least half time (six credit hours) at SCF at the time of disbursement. Students borrow directly from the federal government. The interest during periods of enrollment is paid by the federal government if the student demonstrates financial need. Entrance/exit interview information is required. First-year students will not receive a first-loan disbursement until at least 30 days after classes begin.

Additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans

The additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is a non-need based loan available to eligible dependent and independent students who are accepted for admission as a regular student and enrolled at least half- time (six credit hours) at SCF at the time of disbursement. Students borrow directly from the federal government. The interest during periods of enrollment is NOT paid by the federal government. Entrance/exit interview information is required. First-year students will not receive a first-loan disbursement until at least 30 days after classes begin. If the financial aid file is complete, the student may be eligible for a deferment of fees and a short-term loan for books.

Federal Direct Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (FD PLUS)

This federal loan program is available to parents of dependent undergraduate students. Qualified applicants may borrow from the federal government. The interest rate on these loans is variable.

Financial Aid Refund and Repayment Policy

Refunds and Repayments 

CAUTION: If you are a financial aid recipient, please consult a financial aid specialist before dropping classes or withdrawing from the College.

SCF students receive a 100 percent refund on all tuition and fees for classes dropped prior to or during the drop/add period for each term. If the student is receiving financial assistance, any refund will first be credited to the financial assistance programs from which assistance was disbursed.

SCF’s tuition refund policy is separate from the federal requirement to return unearned aid when a student withdraws. Whether or not the student receives a tuition refund has no bearing on the amount the student may be required to repay under the Return of Title IV Funds formula. 

No Show Policy

Students are not eligible to receive financial assistance for classes which they are reported as a “No Show.” The student’s financial assistance will be adjusted based on the enrollment status.

Official/Unofficial Withdrawals 

Students who wish to withdraw must follow SCF’s official withdrawal process. Students who wish to withdraw completely from SCF should report to the financial aid office for exit interviews. If a student officially withdraws or stops attending all courses, the student may be required to repay all or part of the financial aid disbursed in that term.

Students receiving federal funds may be required to repay aid determined to be “unearned.” The earned/unearned calculation is based on the percentage of days the student attended during the term in which they withdrew. The amount of aid the student has earned is determined on a prorated basis. That is, if the student completed 30 percent of the term, the student earns 30 percent of the aid received. Once the student has completed 60 percent of the term, the student is considered to have earned all of his or her aid.

The difference between the earned federal aid and total aid received equals the amount of “unearned” federal funds. Unearned federal funds are subject to repayment. Federal regulations require Title IV aid to be refunded in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan
  3. Federal PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant

If the student does not receive a passing grade (which includes grades of “I”, “W”, “WF”, and “F” grades) at the end of the term, the return of Title IV funds calculation will be done after grades are posted for the term and it will be assumed the student unofficially withdrew at the 50 percent point of that term or based on the last day the student attended class as reported by the instructor.

SCF will notify the student when a refund calculation is performed due to either an official or unofficial withdrawal. The student may be billed for any outstanding obligations by the student failing to earn Title IV funds, for which Federal funds were disbursed. Students are not eligible for further aid until all repayments have been made.

Financial Aid Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress 

Federal Regulations require that all students receiving Title IV financial aid (Pell Grants, FSEOG, Federal Work Study and Direct Loans) maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP is reviewed every term (Fall, Spring and Summer).

The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy consists of three requirements: Minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA), successful completion rate, and maximum time frame.

For complete policy, go to scf.edu/SAP.

Veterans’ Information

The College is approved for veterans’ benefits by the state approving agency. Students who are attending SCF for the first time as well as students who are using VA benefits for the first time should contact the veterans’ benefits advisor on SCF Bradenton or SCF Venice well in advance of the semester to ensure that their benefits are in place.

Applying for VA Educational Benefits

New students must complete an application for benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Students who have used their VA benefits at another institution need to complete the required application in order for benefits to be transferred to SCF.

VA Benefits

VA educational benefits vary based on chapter and enrollment. VA benefits are subject to change. Students should consult the Veterans Affairs or GI Bill website for up-to-date information.

Chapter 33 (Post 9/11)

Students receiving benefits under Chapter 33 are eligible for the following:

  1. The in-state portion of tuition and all fees paid directly to the school.
  2. A book stipend of $41.67 per credit certified.
  3. A monthly housing allowance equal to the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) for an E-5 with dependents based on the zip code of the college. The BAH is prorated based on the applicable percentage and by the number of certified credits.
Credits* Percent of Benefits
12 or more 100
11 90
10 80
9 80
8 70
7 60
6 or less Tuition and fees only

Note: All benefits are prorated by the applicable percentage (based on aggregate active duty service).

* The VA may calculate the number of credits for a course to be greater than the number published in the Catalog if the course begins after the first day of the semester, finishes before the end of the semester or both. Please consult the SCF website for details.

Chapter 31 (Voc Rehab)

Consult your Veterans Affairs vocational rehabilitation counselor for information on your benefits. Please note that veterans receiving educational benefits under Chapter 31 may be eligible for Chapter 33 BAH. Consult your vocational rehabilitation counselor to determine eligibility.

All Other Chapters

Monthly benefits vary depending on the VA educational program. Students who are receiving VA benefits under any of the other chapters will receive a monthly payment based on the chapter. Benefits are prorated by the number of credits that are certified with the VA.

Credits Percent of Benefits
12 or more 100
9-11 75
6-8 50
5 or less Tuition and fees only

Certification of Courses

The VA requires that the College certify that each course in which a student receiving benefits is enrolled is applicable for the degree that the student is currently pursuing. Each course must meet one of the following conditions:

Required Courses

Courses that are required either as core courses or electives and are listed as such in the Catalog.

Remedial Courses

The VA will pay for all remedial courses that a student is required to take based on the results of the student’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT). Courses below the level indicated by the PERT cannot be certified with the VA unless the appropriate department head provides written permission stating the reason for the exception to the veterans’ benefits advisor.


Any course that must be completed prior to enrollment in a course that is required for a degree can be certified with the VA.

Course Substitutions

Courses that have been approved by the program director as substitutes for required courses can be certified with the VA. The student must bring a copy of the approved course substitution form to the veterans’ benefits advisor before the course can be approved.

Last Semester Rule

The VA allows students who are taking their final courses required for graduation to fill their schedule to full time with courses that are not required for their degree. The last semester rule must be invoked in writing and can only be invoked once per program.

Tuition Assistance

Students who are currently enlisted in the National Guard or Reserves may be eligible for tuition assistance. Students should contact the appropriate person in their unit for further information.

Students receiving tuition assistance should be aware that if they are receiving benefits under Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) that any payments made to the school under tuition assistance will be deducted from the amount of tuition and fees that the VA will pay directly to the school.


Students who are eligible for VA educational benefits and who have submitted a request for certification form will automatically be granted a 60 day deferment of their tuition and fees (30 days for the summer semesters).

The deferment may be extended for VA students who experience a delay in receiving benefits through no fault of their own. The request must be made in writing and state the reason for the extension request. Any request for an extension must be made seven days prior to the expiration date of the deferment.

Change of Major

Students who are receiving VA educational benefits are allowed to change their major. Students whose major does not agree with their major in their VA file will not be certified until the discrepancy is resolved.


The VA will reduce the student’s level of benefits effective on the date of withdrawal or the last date of attendance if the instructor enters the withdrawal. Students who receive a monthly payment and who withdraw from courses may be required to repay any payments that VA has made that are associated with that course. Chapter 33 students also may be liable to repay the tuition, fees and book stipend for that course.

If students are withdrawn from a course by an instructor they must immediately report the withdrawal to their VA Advisor. Failure to do so may result in significant overpayment and a resulting debt to the VA.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students receiving VA benefits must comply with the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined in the financial aid section of this Catalog. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA, a completion rate of 67 percent and may receive benefits for only 150 percent of the credits required for graduation in their degree program.

There are several factors that are taken into account when calculating SAP for VA purposes. (This does not apply to financial aid.)

  • Since the College limits the number of military credits it will apply toward a degree, any military credits not used will not be used when calculating SAP.
  • If a veteran earned credits at a prior college, those credits will not be used to calculate SAP if the credits were earned prior to enlistment in the military and the student is now enrolled in a degree program different from the one they were pursuing at the prior institution.
  • Credits that are 10 years old at the time of enrollment at SCF and do not apply to the degree that is currently being pursued by the student will not be used in calculating SAP provided that the student has not attended college during that 10 year time span.

Students failing to meet the minimum standards will be placed on probation for one semester. If students fail to attain the minimum standards after a semester of probation their VA benefits will be placed on suspension. Students who have had their VA benefits suspended may have their benefits reinstated if:

  1. Students take additional courses while not receiving VA benefits and attain the minimum required standards.
  2. Students file a financial aid appeal and it is approved. VA students who have their financial aid appeal approved will automatically have their VA benefits restored, subject to any and all conditions imposed by financial aid. Since the mitigating circumstances accepted by the VA vary from those accepted by the financial aid office, students who have their financial aid appeal denied should bring a copy of their appeal to their VA advisor for further review under VA regulations.
  3. Students file a VA appeal with the VA advisor. Appeal forms are located online and in the veteran services office.

Waiver for Purple Heart or Superior Combat Decorations

Florida Statute 1009.26(8) provides a fee waiver to a recipient of the Purple Heart or other combat decoration superior in precedence if the recipient is enrolling in a Florida public community college or state university, and provided he or she meets specific criteria:

  1. Admitted as a full-time, part-time or summer-school student in an undergraduate program of study leading to a degree or certificate
  2. Is currently, and was at the time of the military action that resulted in the awarding of the Purple Heart or other superior combat decoration, a resident of Florida
  3. Submits to the College DD Form 214, issued at the time of separation from service, as documentation that he or she has received a Purple Heart or other combat decoration superior in precedence

In order to receive the waiver, an eligible veteran must complete the waiver request form each semester and submit it to the veteran services office.

The combat decorations that would qualify students for the provisions of the Purple Heart or Superior Combat waiver include:

Purple Heart
Bronze Star (must be “V” designation or device) Distinguished Flying Cross
Legion of Merit (must be “V” designation or device)
Silver Star
Air Force Cross
Navy Cross
Distinguished Service Cross
Medal of Honor

Limitations of the Purple Heart or Superior Combat Decorations:

  • This waiver is only applicable for 110 percent of the number of required credit hours of the degree or certificate program for which the student is enrolled.
  • Fees are limited to those that are inherent in the cost of tuition and charged to every student regardless of the course(s) in which he or she is enrolled.
  • This waiver is considered “countable aid” for student financial aid purposes.

Military Activations

Military veterans, reservists and members of the National Guard and their dependents who are attending SCF may receive orders for active duty, redeployment or relocation. In such cases, the College must receive a copy of the student’s activation, redeployment or relocation orders issued from the military in order to proceed with the dropping of courses for the term of activation.

Activation document may be submitted to the advisor of veteran’s affairs at SCF Bradenton or SCF Venice.