Feb 07, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Code of Conduct

I. Purpose & General Expectations of Student Behavior

SCF is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning, and has a concern for the development of responsible personal and social conduct. The College’s mission includes maintaining high standards to foster a climate of excellence; providing opportunity and access for all; and creating a supportive, safe and personalized environment for maximum student achievement. Sharing responsibility for this mission, students and College personnel are joined in a voluntary College community.

By applying to and registering for classes at SCF, students assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the College’s function as an educational institution and to obey the laws enacted by federal, state and local governments.

All students are required to obtain and carry a College identification card (ID) at all times and to present it upon request to any public safety officer or faculty/staff member. Other identification must be shown if such a request is made and the person questioned does not have an ID card in his or her possession. ID cards are to be surrendered upon request of the College for any reason. Loss of an ID card is to be reported immediately to the Department of Public Safety.

Furthermore, students assume the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct published in the College Catalog, the Student Handbook and Planner, and other College publications. Violation of any rules of conduct may lead to disciplinary warning, probation, restitution, suspension, dismissal or other appropriate and authorized penalty.

SCF expects its students to be mature and responsible citizens at all times and in all places. Whether on or off campus at any time if the student’s conduct is in violation of local, state or federal law, is a public nuisance or deemed improper and/or detrimental to the College, that student may be subject to disciplinary action as stated in SCF Procedure 4.10.01: Disciplinary Procedures for Violation of Standards of Student Behavior.

Students are expected to respect the rights and welfare of other members of the College community and its guests. When investigation is warranted, this College recognizes that a thoughtful and reasoned search for the truth can be conducted only in an atmosphere that is free of intimidation and coercion. As such, violence, the threat of violence, disruption to the learning process and intimidation are unacceptable to the College community.

In summary, students are expected to assume full responsibility for their behavior and will be held accountable for their individual and/or collective actions. Further information regarding student conduct can be found in Procedure 4.01.01, 4.14.01, and 4.14.02.

II. Academic Misconduct

SCF expects all members of the College community to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the tradition of honor and integrity. They are expected to assist the College by reporting suspected violations of academic integrity to appropriate faculty and/or administrative staff.

These guidelines define a context of values for individual and institutional decisions concerning academic integrity. It is every student’s responsibility to become familiar with the standards of academic ethics at the College. Claims of ignorance, unintentional error, or academic or personal pressures are not sufficient reasons for violations.

The following is a partial list of the types of behavior that breach the College academic ethics guidelines and are therefore unacceptable:

  • plagiarism
  • cheating on examinations
  • copyright violations
  • forgery, sabotage, unauthorized collaboration or falsification of information.

Attempts to commit such acts fall under the term “academic misconduct” and are subject to penalty.

Falsification, misrepresentation of another’s work as one’s own (such as cheating on examinations, reports or quizzes), plagiarism from the work of others or the presentation of substantially similar work for different courses (unless authorized to do so), is academic misconduct and is a serious offense. Knowingly helping other students cheat or plagiarize is also considered academic misconduct.

Because no set of guidelines can define all possible types or degrees of academic misconduct, faculty members and the academic dean/designee will review each case according to its particular circumstances.

Degrees of Disciplinary Sanctions for Academic Misconduct

This listing serves as an example of possible sanctions; not a definitive, comprehensive list of possible sanctions.

1. Warning, without further penalty.

2. Requiring re-writing of a paper containing plagiarized material.

3. Lowering a paper or project grade by one full grade or more.

4. Assigning a failing grade on a paper containing plagiarized material.

5. Assigning a failing grade on an examination in which cheating occurred.

6. Lowering a final grade by one full grade or more.

7. Assigning a failing grade in a course.

Conflict Resolution Procedure:

Students who feel they have been penalized erroneously for an academic misconduct infraction or think that the sanction imposed is inappropriate may, within 10 business days of notification of academic sanction, appeal the matter through Procedure 4.14.01: Student Request for Conflict Resolution as Related to Academic Matters.

For a complete copy of Procedure 4.14.01 and guidance on how to proceed with the resolution, students should contact the Academic Dean’s Office or student ombudsman. Students may also request a support person to assist with any appeal.

III. Standards of Classroom Behavior

The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment, whether in-person or online, rests with the faculty. Students who engage in any unlawful acts or behaviors which result in disruption of a class, may be directed by the faculty member or SCF Public Safety to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. If a disruptive student refuses to leave when told, the faculty member will contact SCF Public Safety to remove the student. This provision regarding classroom behavior is not to be used to punish students with differing academic interpretations of course content or viewpoint, but to address behavior that is disruptive within the educational environment, including impact to other students.

IV. Standards of Behavior for Students, Visitors and Organizations

To ensure a desirable relationship with the community as well as the protection of all students, visitors and organizations, certain campus regulations and acceptable standards of personal conduct have been established. Students applying, registering and enrolling in any of the College’s courses or programs are bound by all campus regulations, which are essential to the effective, lawful, moral and orderly educational process. All campus regulations and codes of conduct are applicable to all members of the College community as well as all visitors, licensees, organizations and invitees.

Behavior that is subject to disciplinary action under the Code includes alleged violations of federal, state or local law that threaten the safety or well-being of the campus community, any act that constitutes violent behavior and any other behavior that adversely affects the College or its educational programs or mission.  Attempts to commit acts prohibited by the Code may also be addressed through the conduct process. All members of the College community, students, faculty and staff, have the responsibility to report nonacademic misconduct.

A. Examples of Prohibited Conduct

Examples of behaviors that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Any activity on the part of any individual or group that causes disruption or interference with the operation of the College, including but not limited to: classroom disruption; the occupation of any building or campus area for the purpose of disruption or interference; prevention or attempt to prevent the entrance or exit of students, faculty, administrators or public safety officers in situations relating to the regular operation of the College; or interference with scheduled interviews for employment, college transfer or military careers.

2. Participation in a campus demonstration that unreasonably disrupts the normal operations of the College and infringes upon the rights of other members of the College community; leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus, building or area; or intentional obstruction that unreasonably interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on campus.

3. Harassment of a student or students, faculty, staff or administrative officers by a student or students, such as any threat, expressed or implied, or an obstruction or attempted obstruction of any individual’s authorized movement on the campus.

4. The display of any inflammatory or incendiary signs, posters or banners; or the distribution of literature proposing any prohibited actions.

5. Use, possession or carrying of firearms (including, but not limited to, pistols, rifles, shotguns or ammunition), incendiary devices, smoke devices, dangerous knives, explosives or other dangerous weapons while on college-owned or controlled property, or at college sponsored or supervised activities, except by police officers and other persons specifically authorized by the College, or as otherwise permitted by law. As College regulations and their implementation are subject to applicable law, the College will comply with Florida law governing firearms that are securely encased or otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use in vehicles by individuals 18 years old and older, as decided by the First District Court of Appeal on Dec. 10, 2013. An exception to this policy is for law enforcement officers legally authorized to carry such weapons officially enrolled in classes or acting in the performance of their duties.

6. Use, possession, sale, attempted sale, barter, exchange, gift or distribution of narcotics or other controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia on the campus, in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College, at any College-related or -sponsored activity or at other locations as may be provided by law. No person who may appear to be under the influence of a narcotic or other controlled substance is allowed on the campus or permitted to participate in any College-related or -sponsored activity.

7. Alcoholic beverages brought, possessed or consumed on campus, in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College, at any College-related or -sponsored activity or at other locations as may be provided by law. The President or designee can make exceptions to this rule from time to time for special circumstances and/or events.  No person who may appear to be intoxicated is allowed on the campus or permitted to participate in any College-related or -sponsored activity. Drunkenness or intoxication (as defined in 34 Code of Federal Regulation Section 86.100 Subpart B-Institutions of Higher Education) is prohibited on campus, in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College or at any College- related or -sponsored activity. 

8. The use of all types of tobacco and tobacco-like products is prohibited, including smoked and smokeless tobacco, other smokable products, vaping and other forms of electronic smoking devices on any campus grounds, parking lots, in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College or any SCF-sponsored off-campus events.

9. Unlawful gambling is prohibited.

10. Unauthorized use of the College’s duplicating or reproduction equipment or public address system.

11. Defacing, damaging or maliciously destroying any College, faculty, staff or student property.

12. Disorderly or unlawful behavior on any SCF campus, any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College, or at any College-related or -sponsored activity is prohibited.  Additionally, a student’s conviction of a misdemeanor or felony may be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in Procedure 4.10.01; Disciplinary Proceedings for Violation of Standards of Student Behavior.

13. Any violation of federal or state criminal statutes, respective county and city ordinances, and all College and SCF District Board of Trustees rules and regulations may result in disciplinary proceedings.

14. Reckless or intentional actions that endanger the mental or physical health of students, faculty or staff.

15. Furnishing false information to the College with the intent to deceive.

16. Any type of sexual misconduct on any SCF campus, any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College, or at any College-related or -sponsored activity. 

17. Knowingly issuing bad checks or making fraudulent payments to the College, The SCF Store, or any College ancillary services is prohibited.

18. In accordance with Florida Statutes, it is unlawful for any person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on a street or highway to operate or amplify the sound produced by a radio, CD player, or other mechanical sound-making device or instrument from within the motor vehicle so that the sound is louder than necessary for the convenient hearing by persons inside the vehicle.

19. Parking on any SCF campus is prohibited without a parking permit.

20. Visitors, upon request by a campus security officer or College administrator, are required to provide a picture identification, ideally a driver license. Failure to provide proper identification when requested may result in such visitor being considered a trespasser and subject to arrest.

21. Failure to respond to an administrative summons will result in a disciplinary sanction.

22. Computer and Network Abuse

a.  Theft or misuse of College computing resources;

b.  Unauthorized entry into or transfer of an electronic file;

c.  Use of another person’s computing identification and/or password;

d.  Use of College IT Resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or other SCF employee;

e.  Use of College IT Resources to send obscene or harassing messages; or

f.   Use of College IT Resources to interfere with normal operations of the SCF computing system.

NOTE:  SCF reserves the right to remove any student from the College for circumstances and/or behaviors that may seriously affect the health or well-being of the student or others where physical safety is threatened.

Conflict Resolution Procedure

Through College Procedure 4.10.01; Disciplinary Proceeding for Violation of Standards of Student Behavior, students who are alleged to have violated a College behavioral Code of Conduct will be given the opportunity to be informed of the allegation(s), and subsequently the opportunity to refute the allegation(s), make any statements, or provide any evidence and/or mitigating circumstances related to the allegation(s).

For a complete copy of Procedure 4.10.01, and guidance on how to proceed with the resolution, students should seek the advice of a student services advisor who acts in the capacity of student advocate for complaint/conflict resolution matters.

B. Prohibition of Harassment and Discrimination and Related Misconduct (Including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity and Retaliation) (SCF Rule 6HX14-2.44 and Procedure 2.44.01)

SCF is committed to providing an educational and working environment free from harassment and discrimination based on such factors as race, color, sex, pregnancy, age, religion, genetic information, national origin, ethnicity, disability, marital status, sexual orientation and any other factor(s) prohibited under applicable federal, state and local civil rights, laws, rules, and regulations (collectively referred to as “Protected Status”). SCF will not tolerate harassment or discrimination of its employees, students, applicants for admission and/or employment, volunteers, visitors, contractors, or any persons while present on any College campus or at a sponsored event. Direct inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies to: Equity Officer, 941-752-5323, 5840 26th St. W., Bradenton, FL 34207.

This Rule prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment based on Protected Status. It also expressly prohibits Sexual Assault and Sexual Exploitation, which by definition involve conduct of a sexual nature which are forms of Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment. This Rule further prohibits Stalking and Interpersonal Violence, which need not be based on an individual’s Protected Status. Finally, this Rule prohibits Complicity for knowingly assisting in an act that violates this Rule and Retaliation against an individual because of his or her good faith participation in reporting, investigation and/or adjudication of violations of this Rule. These behaviors are collectively referred to in this Rule as Prohibited Conduct. This rule also applies to Prohibited Conduct that occurs off-campus, including online or electronic conduct, if the conduct occurs within the context of an employment or educational program or activity of the College, or has continuing adverse effects on campus or off-campus employment or educational program or activity.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation and Retaliation, as defined in this Policy, are prohibited forms of discrimination under Title IX, which covers all the College’s programs and activities. Racial, religious and national origin harassment, Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence are also prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 760 et al, F.S., and other applicable laws.

The College’s prohibition against Interpersonal Violence (including domestic and dating violence) and Stalking is also governed by federal law because these forms of behavior are prohibited by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f) (the Clery Act) and Section 304 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. Such acts violate the essential dignity of our community member(s) and are contrary to our institutional values.

The College, as an educational community, will promptly and equitably respond to reports of Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking in order to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects on any individual or the community. The College recognizes that Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence and Stalking encompass a broad spectrum of conduct and will respond according to both the severity of the offense and the threat it poses to the campus community.

For the purposes of this Rule, “harassment” includes, but is not limited to, verbal, physical or sexual violence, assault and visual conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile working or education environment or that interferes with work performance or educational opportunities. Some examples include racial slurs, ethnic jokes, posting of offensive statements, posters or cartoons, or other similar conduct. Sexual harassment includes solicitation of sexual favors, unwelcome sexual advances, or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

For the purposes of this Rule, “discrimination” means exclusion from participation in, or denial of the benefits of any public education program or activity, or in any employment condition or practice conducted by a public educational institution that receives or benefits from federal or state financial assistance on the basis of race, color, sex (including pregnancy), age, religion, genetic information, national origin, ethnicity, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or any other factor prohibited under applicable federal, state and local civil rights laws, rules and regulations.

The College has an obligation to make reasonable efforts to investigate and address known or suspected instances of Prohibited Conduct. To foster a climate that encourages prevention and reporting of Prohibited Conduct, the College will actively promote prevention efforts, educate the College community, respond to all reports promptly, provide interim protective measures to address safety and emotional well-being, and act in a manner that recognizes the inherent dignity of the individuals involved. In the case of employees or students, if harassment or discrimination is established, SCF will discipline the offender. Disciplinary action for a violation of this policy can range from verbal or written warnings up to and including dismissal from the College depending upon the circumstances. Regarding acts of harassment or discrimination by nonemployees or nonstudents, the College will take appropriate corrective action according to the circumstances involved.

This Policy is maintained by the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator and the Title IX Team will review this Policy on at least an annual basis. The review will capture evolving legal requirements, evaluate the support and resources available to the parties, and assess the effectiveness of the resolution process (including the fairness of the process, the time needed to complete the process, and the sanctions and remedies imposed). The review will include the opportunity for individuals affected by the Policy to provide feedback and will incorporate an aggregate view of reports, resolution and climate.

C. Prohibition of Hazing

The College will not tolerate hazing, as defined below, at or on any College property or at any College-sponsored or College-affiliated event, regardless of its location. “Hazing” means any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for purposes including, but not limited to, initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of the College, hereafter referred to as a “College organization.” Hazing includes, but is not limited to, pressuring or coercing the student into violating state or federal law; any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance; or other forced physical activity that could adversely affect the physical health or safety of the student. It also includes any activity that would subject the individual to extreme mental stress, such as sleep deprivation, forced exclusion from social contact, forced conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment or any other forced activity that could adversely affect the mental health or dignity of the student. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions, or any activity or conduct that furthers a legal and legitimate objective.

This prohibition of hazing applies to students and to College organizations and clubs, including acting through other persons associated with a College organization or club who are not students.

Penalties for hazing shall be administered in accordance with College policies and procedures related to student disciplinary actions; subject, however, to any limitations or additional penalties contained in Subsection 1006.63, F.S.

In the case of an organization/club that authorizes hazing in blatant disregard of such rules, penalties also may include rescission of permission for that organization to operate on campus property or otherwise to operate under the sanction of the College.

All penalties imposed under the authority of the College shall be in addition to any penalty imposed for violation of any of the criminal laws of this state or for violation of any other rule of the institution.

It is not a defense to a charge of hazing that the consent of the victim had been obtained, the conduct or activity was not part of an official organizational event or was not otherwise sanctioned or approved by the organization, or the conduct or activity was not done as a condition of membership.

D. Children on Campus

Students who are parents or who assume a parental role have the responsibility to arrange suitable care for their children while they attend class, labs or study areas. SCF does not have child care accommodations. Students are not permitted to bring children to class, nor should children be left unattended in halls, building offices or on campus. The College reserves the right to protect the safety and welfare of unattended children.

E. Mobile/Smart Device Etiquette

The use of mobile devices (cellphones, beepers, tablets and other smart devices) in the classroom is determined by the faculty member’s mobile device use guidelines for that class. Adhere to the expectations communicated by the faculty member for that course.

F. Animals on Campus

SCF maintains a no-animals policy in all of its buildings and in any off-campus housing sanctioned by the College. There are exceptions to this policy, consistent with federal law and state statute:

 • The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) provides guidelines regarding use of service animals in areas with no-animals policies.

• Florida Statute 413.08 defines service animals and the rights of individuals to bring them to areas of no-animals policies.

The primary consideration of SCF’s no-animals policy is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for the College community. The ADA allows service animals assisting persons with disabilities to be present on a campus. A service animal is permitted by Florida Statute to accompany a person with a disability to most locations on campus, except for areas where there is danger to the service animal.

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for maintaining compliance with the no-animals policy. Individuals using service animals may be asked to provide information regarding the service animal’s function. Definitions, examples and requests for permission to have animals on campus can be obtained from the Department of Public Safety or the Disability Resource Center.


1. The President or designee can make exceptions to these rules from time to time for special circumstances and/or events.

2. These rules do not apply to animals used as guides for the visually impaired or those used to meet the special needs of individuals with disabilities.

3. These rules do not apply to animals used by law enforcement or emergency personnel in the exercise of their official duties.

4. These rules do not apply to animals used as part of approved instructional activities, as long as they are retained and controlled within the laboratory setting for which they were intended.

Florida wildlife can be seen on all SCF campuses. The Department of Public Safety is responsible for enforcing state wildlife regulations.

G. Wheeled Motorized Traffic

Bicycles shall not be ridden on the sidewalks between or around campus buildings. All bicycles shall be walked from the parking lot areas to the approved sites designated for bicycle storage. Skateboards, roller skates or other such roller-equipped means of transportation are allowed on the sidewalks between and around campus buildings. These roller-equipped means of transportation are prohibited from being used inside any campus buildings. Hoverboards are prohibited from use anywhere on campus. There are exceptions to this policy consistent with federal law and Florida Statutes that allow individuals with mobility impairments to use wheelchairs and power scooters.

H. Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

In keeping with SCF’s longstanding commitment to the health and well-being of students, employees and visitors, SCF has a tobacco-free campus policy. Tobacco use is not allowed on campus grounds, parking lots, SCF-sponsored off-campus events and within SCF-owned vehicles. The use of all types of tobacco and tobacco-like products is prohibited, including smoked and smokeless tobacco, other smokable products and electronic cigarettes. This policy applies to all students, employees and visitors of SCF.

I. Religious Observances

Pursuant to F.S. 1002.21; 1006.53; 1001.64, SCF shall attempt to reasonably accommodate the religious observance, practice and belief of individual students in regard to admissions, class attendance and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments. Students must provide the instructor(s) with advance notification of the purpose and anticipated length of any absence. At that time, the instructor and the student will agree upon a reasonable time and method to make up any work or tests missed. Students who believe they have been unreasonably denied an educational benefit due to a religious belief or practice may seek redress by contacting the office of the student ombudsman, Title IX coordinator or the college equity officer.

J. Intellectual Property

SCF provides engaging and accessible learning environments within the context of its mission, vision and institutional values. Therefore, the College supports and encourages its employees and students to develop educational materials, scholarly and creative works, and other products that advance the mission of SCF. However, these forms of intellectual property may be subject to copyright, patent, trademark and other laws, and may generate royalty income. Additionally, such development may involve the use of College personnel and resources.

The definition of intellectual property; examples of materials subject to intellectual property rights; ownership of intellectual property; and the rights of the College, its students, faculty and staff regarding intellectual property in those cases where a written agreement does not otherwise govern the rights of the parties are provided in SCF Procedure 5.182, Intellectual Property.

V. Student Complaint/Conflict Resolution/Appeals Policies and Procedures

SCF provides an appropriate means to resolve conflicts or complaints concerning College rules, procedures and/or course policies at the lowest possible level.

Complaints may be brought to the attention of faculty and management with the assurance that they will be considered in a fair and equitable manner. Specific policies and procedures are available that provide an informal and formal, nonadversarial, in-house means of addressing conflicts and/or complaints.

Students may request due process in such instances where they perceive an inequity concerning the student’s academic standing, or where their academic rights and/or freedoms have been violated, or where the academic/administrative regulations of the College are believed to have been inappropriately interpreted or applied. The following due process procedures should be utilized in resolving complaints, conflicts or requesting appeals.

• SCF Procedure 4.14.01 Student Request for Conflict Resolution as Related to Academic Matters.

• SCF Procedure 4.14.02 Student Request for Conflict Resolution as Related to Administrative Policies and Procedures.

• SCF Procedure 4.10.01 Disciplinary Proceedings for Violation of Standards of Student Behavior.

VI. Student Discipline

The Dean of Students is designated as the staff member of the College having primary responsibility for the administration of student discipline. Deliberate care shall be taken to ensure that students receive fair and equitable treatment under due process.

Degrees of Disciplinary Sanctions:

The following are the degrees of disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed for violation of any Student Codes of Conduct.

1. Apology ⁠- A statement of regret written by the individual or group and approved by the dean of students.

2. Warning ⁠- A written or verbal notice to the student that continuation or repetition of a specified conduct will be cause for further disciplinary action.

3. Censure ⁠- A written reprimand to the student for violation of a specified regulation.

4. Disciplinary Probation ⁠- A written reprimand and warning to the student for a repetition of violations as grounds for more serious disciplinary action; also may include exclusion from participation in student privileges or extracurricular College activities, or temporary/permanent loss of privilege or use of designated College facilities for a specified time as set forth in the notice of disciplinary probation.

5. Removal from College-sponsored Housing ⁠- A temporary or permanent exclusion from any College-sponsored housing accommodations without reimbursement of any type of housing allowance, or a mandatory room charge.

6. Restitution ⁠- Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or otherwise compensate for damages.

7. Suspension ⁠- Exclusion from classes and other student privileges or activities as set forth in the notice of suspension pending final determination of an alleged violation.

8. Dismissal ⁠- Termination of student status for a definite period of time. At the end of this period of expulsion, the student is eligible to apply to the College for consideration for readmission.

9. Expulsion ⁠- Permanent termination of student status. A notification shall appear on the College record.

Traffic Rules and Parking Regulations

Parking decals are obtained from the Department of Public Safety offices at SCF Bradenton or SCF Venice. At that time, students are given a copy of the “Traffic and Parking Regulations Governing the Use of Vehicles at SCF.” Violators are subject to appear before the SCF College Student Court and if found guilty, they will be fined in accordance with the specific violation.

The following rules and regulations are in effect 24 hours a day and pertain to all students (full-time, part-time, day or evening) and faculty and staff driving vehicles on campus. These rules have been established for the benefit of each student and employee and are approved by the Student Government Association, the College administration and SCF Board of Trustees. These rules and regulations are established and enforced in order to avoid confusion and danger in parking lots. All parking and traffic, including College Student Court, are under the supervision of coordinator of student life.

  1. All motorized vehicles of students parked at SCF must bear a decal, which must be prominently displayed and visible at all times. Visitors must use spaces designated for visitors.
  2. Parking decals for students can be obtained at the Department of Public Safety.
  3. All vehicles of faculty and staff of SCF must bear appropriate hang tags, which are obtained from the Department of Public Safety.
  4. Temporarily disabled students may apply for a special identification for their vehicles from the department of Public Safety and Security.  Identifications are issued for a specific time period. In order to park in spaces designated for handicapped, a disabled person, by state law, must display the disabled parking permit issued by the county tag office. The permit must be attached to the Florida license plate or placed appropriately on the rear-view mirror.
  5. The College assumes no responsibility for injury to persons or damages to a vehicle or its contents at any time it is operated or parked on campus.
  6. All cars must be off the parking lot by 11 p.m. Owners of vehicles that must be left on property overnight for College trips, or because they are disabled, should contact the Department of Public Safety to indicate how long the vehicle will be left on College property.
  7. Students who have decals, but temporarily drive a vehicle without decals, still must park in student parking areas.  A visible note must be displayed with date and decal number. This policy is good for one week only.
  8. Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Violation Penalties

The student will be held responsible and penalized for the following infractions: improperly parked in handicapped space or blocking handicapped ramp; parking in undesignated areas, blocking traffic, parking in no-parking areas or parked over line; no current SCF decal, improper decal or no decal showing; parked in reserved or visitors space or parked in a motorcycle pad; moving violations (must attend College Student Court) that include driving recklessly, driving against flow of traffic, failure to have vehicle under control, speeding in excess of 10 mph, driving on a surface other than paved or failure to stop at a stop sign; drag racing (to be reported to Sheriff’s Office), parking violation, court action. Fine amounts are included in “Cost and Fee Information .”

Violation Payment Procedure Process

  1. All persons ticketed for parking violations may make payments in person or mail payment by check or money order to the SCF cashier within 10 business days of receiving the ticket. SCF is not responsible for cash payment if mailed.
  2. A student may appeal a citation by filing a parking violation appeal form within 10 business days from the date of violation (indicating a desire to appear before the College Student Court).
    1. A student who fails to do either 1 or 2 above will be sent a first notice to pay the fine.
    2. Any student who has not cleared a violation within 10 business days will be notified that the violation has been sent to the Dean of Students for such action as is deemed necessary.
  3. The Dean of Students or a designated representative will take one of the following actions:
    1. Send a notice to appear before the Dean of Students to explain the inaction.
    2. Tag records notifying the College that the student owes a fine and cannot register for another term or receive a transcript until the fine is paid.

Appeals Process with College Student Court

  1. Any person who alleges being unjustly ticketed and wishes to appeal a violation shall file a parking violation appeal form at the Department of Public Safety.
  2. The appeal will be adjudicated based on the current regulations. The College Student Court reserves the right to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant and to set the amount of the fine within the limits set forth in the regulations. The College Student Court selects a meeting date and time, and its decision is final.

College Student Court

The College Student Court reserves the right to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant and to set the amount of the fine if found guilty within the limits as set in the regulations. The College Student Court selects a meeting date and time.

Procedures for payment of violations:

  1. A student may pay fines in person in the fee payment office or make a payment (check or money order) by mail within 10 business days from the date of violation.
  2. A student may register for College Student Court within 10 business days from the date of the violation indicating a desire to appear before the College Student Court.
    1. A student who fails to do either (1) or (2) above will be sent a notice to pay the fine.
    2. A student who fails to comply within 10 business days will be notified that the violation has been sent to the Dean of Students for such action as is deemed necessary.
  3. The Dean of Students normally takes one of the following actions:
    1. Sends a notice to appear before the Dean of Students to explain the inaction.
    2. Tags records notifying the College that the student owes a fine and cannot register for another term or receive a transcript until the fine is paid.