A grade of “C” or better must be attained for each course taken for this certificate.
Florida Child Care Professional Certification (FCCPC): Students who want the Florida Child Care Professional certification must successfully complete EEC 1000 , EEC 1001 , EEC 1601 , EEC 1319 and work or volunteer at least a total of 480 hours in a childcare facility during the semester the course work is completed. Once the coursework is complete, the student should contact Dr. Kathryn Stuckey,, to submit to the state for obtaining the FCCPC Florida Child Care Professional Certificate.
Child Development Associate Credentials: Students who want the National CDA (Child Development Associate) credential must successfully complete EEC 1000 , EEC 1001 , EEC 1601 and EEC 1319 and then apply to the National Council for Early Childhood Recognition to complete the credentialing process. (The Council’s toll-free number is 1-800-424-4310.)
Child Care Management Director Credentials: Students who need to meet the Department of Children and Families requirement for the Foundation Level Director Credential must successfully complete EEC 2002 . The courses that meet the DCF Advanced Level Director Credential requirement are EEC 2202 , EEC 2527 and EEC 2520 .
Gainful employment information about this certificate is available at